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Club Member tributes to Ernest Michael Riemenschneider

Rodney Josef Beckwith IV - RIP Mike

John Gilbert - Blue Shelby Convert?

John Steven Yarema 2011 red Mustang 5.0 auto he could NOT leave alone SUPERCHARGED..

Dean V. Ricci - RIP Mike. I know you and John Hill are catching up on good times.

John Gilbert - Damn.. just talked to him this past summer. I knew he had slowed down. God bless.

John Steven Yarema - I helped him take that car to eyes on design 2 years ago. I walked around with a pass that read Nancy on it all day!

Mary Luba - Such a nice man, RIP

Mike Pikelis - What a great person. He will be missed. Rest in peace Mike.

Brian Greene - Very sad day, another great guy is gone.

Adrian M. Clements - Ernest Michael Riemenschneider was one in a million. He did some great carburetor work on 4 of my '67 Fords in the last 5 years. I enjoyed spending time with him in his basement workshop, watching him work his magic. Rest in peace, Mike - you will be missed.

Tom Greene - E. Michael, you are greatly missed. I know there are Holley carbs in heaven that need your attention. Take care of all the racer's there. They need you.

Greg Majka - RIP Mike

Jerome Ostalecki - Truly a sad day for his family, friends and the car hobby. Spent Saturday evening listening to him spin a tale or two at the SAAC-MCR holiday party. You will be missed by many.

Phil Jacobs - A very sad day. A great guy!

Ed Ludtke - I knew Mike for 40 years and glad I was able to talk with him on Saturday evening. He will be missed by all he touched. SAAC has lost a great one!

Gary Boehnlein - RIP MIke. I was supposed to go over there soon with my friend Tommy Lange with some carbs. Tommy was over there yesterday and helped him up from the basement (doing carbs) to get something to eat. Tom offered to drive him to the doctors yesterday and would have today if he felt he needed to. Nancy called Tommy at 4AM to say Mike had passed-Tommy
got the message at 8 and talked to her. She helped him into his wheelchair about 11pm so it was sometime between 11 and 4. Tommy called me at 9 but I missed it because I went to sleep got up at 4:30am and just got done talking to Tommy.

Jeff Burgy - Mike will be dearly missed. He was a fixture around SAAC-MCR events for the past forty years. His knowledge of cars, carburetors, and distributors was uncanny, and he was always ready to help anyone who needed it. Rest in Peace, my friend, we will never forget you.

Gary Pietraniec - Not only have we lost a great person, but also a man with a wealth of knowledge. I also spent many hours in Mike's basement "carburetor shop", wondering how the hell he knew where all those little springs and clips went after he just dumped them in that little container... But, took the carb home, installed it, and it ran perfect without any adjustment needed. We're going to miss you Mike, RIP....

Gary Boehnlein - Yeah, Gary, Mike has "fixed" a few "restored" carbs for me that came with cars or I bought outright. Had them torn down in no time flat. grabbing correct replacement parts on hand. He pretty much saved my original Autolite on my 70 GT350 by just having a usable throttle shaft lying around and fixed a few issues with it when I restored it 13 years ago.

Jeff Grice Rip Mike - You will be missed

Mark Storm - Greatest Ford Guru I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, RIP Mike.

Bill Cook - A great automotive mind, a greater person. We will all miss Mike's friendship and expertise. As Ford enthusiasts, we enjoyed every conversation with Mike. Thank you Mike and RIP.

Mike Sove' - Thanks Mike for the help you gave me, you will be missed RIP Michael.

Dean V. Ricci - Mike was a great guy, one of the people you always hope to meet in a car club. He had a vast knowledge of carburetors, was always willing to lend a hand in club activities and could tell a story like none other. In fact I can imagine up in Heaven that Mike is probably having dinner with Carroll Shelby right now. Tomorrow he'll be with Ken Miles and Dave MacDonald working on the cars in St. Peters driving school. Day after that he'll be bench racing with his old friend John Hill ....


Last updated: All Rights Reserved SAAC-MCR Archive
Originally formed as the COBRA Club in 1972. Established as a Region of SAAC in 1975. One of the oldest SAAC Regions in the United States